Pre-K At Home Activities
Reading at Home
Reading at home will make a HUGE difference in your child’s school success! Make reading part of your everyday routine. Choose books that match your child’s interests.
Building a Reader
- Have your child turn the pages
- Encourage your child to fill in the rhymes as you read
- Notice patterns in the text and illustrations
- Have your child be the “reader” and read the pictures to you
- Help your child fall in LOVE with books!
Math at Home
Children develop positive feelings about math when they have fun math experiences at home with their family!
Show your child how you use Math every day!

Fun Activities to Try!
Count as you walk or go up stairs
Read counting books
Make numbers and shaped with playdough
Go on a shape hunt (inside or outside)
Sort laundry by colors
Find markers that are the same size
Use markers to measure how tall your child is
Letters at Home

Give your child MANY opportunities to explore letter!
Things to Remember
*Learning about letters should be fun!
*Hands on experiences make the most impact
*Start with the letters in your child’s name first
*Go slow, it takes time
Notice Letters Everywhere!
The more you notice letters the more a child’s curiosity about letters build! It will make a HUGE difference!
Go on a letter hunt!
Cutting at Home
Show your child the correct way to hold the scissors, with the thumb up. Start by giving your child half in strips of paper to cut. Gradually make the paper wider as your child’s scissors skills strengthen. You can draw thick black lines on paper for your child to cut along. Make simple shapes for your child to cut too! Have your child make a collage with the items they cut out!
Items to Cut
Tissue Paper
Wrapping Paper